I have a serious mental health diagnosis ... now what ?
If you have just been diagnosed with a serious mental illness it is okay ... take a deep breath and read on. A diagnosis is simply a way...

Find your genius
Born with unique talents and skills; At what point are we capable to hone in on our innate skills and abilities with or without...

Stand firm. Stand long. Stand free. Stand tall. Be what your soul requires of you and what the world can not define. Live and breath in...
Change. period.
The usual both natural and unnatural response to things transitioning to something different than we are use to. The uncomfortable...

Your Time
When is it your time ? Your time to feel ? To be ? To love ? To fight ? To succeed ? To gravel ? To kneel ? To be humble ? To be...

Not just in a day
The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree they say. The rock makes ripples that cast far beyond the eye. Those cute little sayings that...

Girls and Boys
The first time I realized that I wasn't in control of my expression of my sexuality and personhood when I was in the 5th grade and I had...

Knowing when to call it
In a world were we are expected to be perfect and we find ourselves failing to meet that expectation time and time again. It can create...

Knowing your power
One of our greatest strengths is knowing what we can and can not control. Knowing the boundaries of our power. Knowing the limitlessness...

Serenity - Finding your safe space
In a place where there is no privacy. No sense of ownership of space but shared experiences and spaces ... We search to find a moment,...