The google dictionary defines addiction as "ad·dic·tionəˈdikSH(ə)n/noun noun: addiction; plural noun: addictions the fact or condition of...

Years of stability versus Magical chaotic love
Isn't it funny how we get enticed by the chaos of magical love that causes us a great deal of harm and heart ache due to the instability,...

One day at a time
As the days grow shorter, time grows shorter. Noticing as an adult how quickly the day wonders away from us and time seems to fly by as...

Words of encouragement
"I looked at my hands, to see if I was the same person new that I was free." - Harriert Tubman

Don't walk the damn line
You are unique and adequately prepared to be yourself. The universe creates experiences in which challenge your foundation and expand...

All or Nothing
Black and white thinking seems to be the extremes we live. It has to be one or the other; this or that; me or you; you or me; traditional...

Get into your life or watch it pass you by
In this one and only life we have we must assume that it is our responsibility to care for it, experience it, share it and appreciate it....

It’s that thing that keeps you in the game even when you can’t figure out how you’re going to win. It’s that thing that keeps you up with...