We all have ways that we take care of ourselves, physically, but what about our mental and emotional care? We don’t control everything in...
Stand In Your Power
In the midst of challenges we must rely on our power to process, embrace and withstand. When we have conflicts with others and challenges...
I am writing in current thought of reading about the death of a rapper and activist I found interesting and talented. I am feeling an...

Enough, but is it ?
Life can be tough, especially with any combination of work, school, kids, relationships, family, or bills. Do you really have time for a...

The google dictionary defines addiction as "ad·dic·tionəˈdikSH(ə)n/noun noun: addiction; plural noun: addictions the fact or condition of...

Don't walk the damn line
You are unique and adequately prepared to be yourself. The universe creates experiences in which challenge your foundation and expand...