How Bad Do You Want It ?

What are the limitations to success? When is enough, enough? How do you know when you have given everything you have? How do you know when you have become successful ?I believe there is no actual answer to these questions, the limitations for an individual is specific to that one individual. We have the power to be great and our greatness is dependent upon when we want to unlock that bigger being inside.
It is easily said that greatness is in you, but how does one expect an individual to unlock that potential. If it was a simple task, we would be amongst the greatness generation to live, however; that is not the case. The keys are, patience and determination. Those are the key factors in unlocking greatness. Patience is a quality that is learned and practiced. The ideal that things need to happen when and where people want it to happen is an ideal many live by. And as many of us know, that is not always the case. With patience, we learn to appreciate the moment we are in and get the chance to fully embrace the moment. The second factor of unlocking true potential is determination. Patience and determination go hand and hand; patience without drive is an empty promise. Waiting for a moment in your life to happen is meaningless if you are not putting in the man hours to make your dream a reality. So not only must you embrace the patience to keep going but also the drive to keep working even when you can not see the outcome right away.
To truly unlock your greatness potential, you have to believe in your greatness even when it’s not noticeable. Believe in your greatness when nobody else believes in it. Anything is achievable and anything is possible if you believe. Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in your future.
Eric Thomas said, when an individual wants to be successful as much as they want to breathe then they will be successful. Thomas says that many people say they want to be successful but many don't actually want it. Actually wanting success takes sacrifice. He highlights that to be truly successful you have to take advantage of every opportunity that is given to you. So, how bad do you want it? Do you want it more than you want to go out? Do you want it more than you want to be popular? How bad do you really want it?
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