Quarantine: Survival Guide
In the current state of the world, many have struggled with having to make life changing decisions and even some forced decisions to survive. In this manner people have lost their jobs, family members and lively hood. It has challenged their emotional, psychological and psychical stability. The hysteria around the possibilities have created social distancing, loneness, increased depression, and anxiety. In these times it is important to find ways to maintain your sanity and adjust to the current environmental changes while allowing yourself to live. Below are some ideas about how to survive the quarantine and challenge yourself to find your new normal.
Create a vision board
Play board games
Play video games
Play video games with friends or strangers
Socailize through social media and face time
Clean your home
Make crafts
Play board games
Write a book
Take on a project your have put off
Play outside
Spend time with family in your home
Have movie day
Do science experiments
Take advantage of virtual offerings
Write down a to do list and complete the items on your list
Make funny videos
Play games to learn something new
Listen to music
Take a relaxing bath
Do your hair
Reorganize a room
See your therapist
Get a therapist
Schedule things to do daily
Vlog your experience
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